Thursday, August 03, 2006

wow is the end in sight!

this will prboably be my last or my second to last post whilst still in africa. This summer has definitely been a life changing experience that i cannot easily forget, and i pray i am forever changed by all that the Lord has done and shown me about his character, and his heart for his people.

I guess my last big prayer request is that God really makes whatever change, whatever revelation, whatever it was that i was supposed to ocme here this summer and find out or see or whatever, stick. I want it to stick hard, i don't want to forget this place, and HIS heart for it. I dont want to go back to the states and fall back into my cushy lifestyle and forget how different it is over here. How people live daily on such meager means. People live on less than a dollar a day here, and that's life. And this could be an argument in itself, but so many people in this position are happy with their lives, they are happy with their God, they are happy that they can eat at each meal. Thanksgiving over meals is much more real because they know they can't rely on their own power to eat, it's up to the Lord. Let me remember that, when i am wanting more more more, remember that people here with nothing nothing nothing are and can be content with all they do not have.

I'm thinking as well i'll need a bit of help from him not to be cynical when i go back home. I mean it's going to be really easy to look at lifestyles and judge people instantly as wrong because they have money, when in reality there's nothing wrong with money itself, just the love of money. And i'm sure you guys can understand why there would and will be cynycism there, i just pray that i wouldn't let it hinder relationships or give me a lofty attitude that's paradoxical in thinking, "i'm so much better than yo ubecause i'm so humble."

So today marks the last work day while i'm here, the last 14+ hour day spent at the office doing red-lines, fixing correctoins to CAD drawings, and otherwise staring at a computer screen for long enough for my eyes to fall out of my face. The end is in sight and i'm very excited about it.

One thing i absolutely cannot wait for: to stand in an HEB (which i learned this summer dont exist outside of texas, or at leaset not in other parts of the country) and just drool in awe like a kid in a candy store.Wow, how appropriate is, "the eyes of texas are upon you" ? Even here, they can see me!!


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