Saturday, July 22, 2006

There is always more, and He is always beautiful...

From my journal this morning:

Ahh...Saturday, here at last, this has been the slowest week of the trip so far but apparently even it turned out to be a good thing.

"He works all things to the good of those who love Him."

I was sitting w/ Mark yesterday in teh Namuwongo market drinking a soda and was sayking to him how much the Lord has changed my heart, that I'm still slightly sick (from what we now think to have been contaminated water), it's been a crappy day outdoors all day, i'm tired from working so much and i've ridden in a taxi way too much. as of two or three days prior i woudl have been having a crappy day, but yesterday I was so excited about the Lord that none of those other things mattered, it was amazing, how all circumstances, annoyances and hindrances literally pale in comparison to His brightness and His greatness.

I am so excited about how good Jesus is, how much He loves me, how much He cares for me, and how much He watches over me. Truly to hide ones heart from pains, irritations, and altogether hurts from things uneternal, all one has to do is hide ones heart in THE MOST HIGH GOD!!, and all previous cares will seem to drift away.


But i've finaly hit the down hill here...I actually would be ok right now if (sorry guys i want to be both places but this hasnt been true till recently) Impact got canceled and i could cancel my lease and stay here all fall. That woudl be ok b/c I know I willmiss this place so much...So anyways, life is good and I have the lord breaking me to thank for that...

Thus i want to encourage you guys that it can always be better than it seems, that there are unconscienable (wow butchered that word) depths in Him that we will never be able to understand, and we really ought to never be satisfied with what we think we know about Him, because no matter how far we've gone we've just skimmed the surface of who He is. In fact I've found the further one goes that much bigger God seems to have become. As we become more and more aware of our depravity and more and more aware of His goodness He seems that much less attainable, and that's ok because he accepts us where we are at but seeks to constantly change us as He makes us more holy. So seek Him hard and deep, press in to the heart of God, and while i can't explain how to do that becuase that looks different for everyone, I encourage you to ask Him to help you if you dont know what to do.

There is always more, and He is always beautiful...


Blogger Ber said...

incredible. this post was, and you are. i was going to say "....." [insert sentence] and tell you that was my favorite part of this entry. because, it applies to my life in ways like you wouldn't even imagine. ((good thing you'll be back soon and i'll get to tell you all about it. yessss. :)) but needless to say, i couldn't pick just one sentence.

the only reason i wouldn't be okay with impact being cancelled is because you really wouldn't come back. and i don't think i could handle that. for the reals. so heck yes for impact coming, and coming SOON.

finish strong. thank you for being vulnerable and transparent. i learn something new each and every time i read. thing i haven't had to learn though, because i already knew, is how freaking much i love and miss you.

okay, here i go again, being all long-winded and such. just know that you're missed. and loved. and being bathed in prayer. that's really all i have. He's SO good and SO faithful. and that deserves a whoop, in my opinion.

7/22/2006 3:48 PM  

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