Thursday, June 15, 2006

week 3 or is it 4?

Hello there friends!!

This week has been rather uneventful, but that's been a good thing and in that comes embedded a prayer request! All week i've been skimming through hydraulics and water resources textbooks learning as much as i can about the stuff to help me on tabitha, since my job will be water resources. So on Tuesday i was complaining to steve about not doing any engineering work and he hit me right on the head basically when he said, "There will be plenty of engineering work for the rest of your life, you're in Africa, get outside these walls and do something!" Man, that's what i need God's help with now, a vision. I need Him to show me what i'm supposed to be doing here at all. I mean all my thoughts leading up to this trip was, sweet Uganda, it's gonna be awesome. Nevery did i put much thought into what else i was going to do while i was here.

So please that's what i need, some direction, I was talking to Mark last night about eMi and really we exist to help other ministries do their work, but we dont really have a ministry in ourselves. So it's like a mission organization w/o any guidelines or structure which makes it a lot tougher, but probably better since I have alot of freedom and leeway to do what the Lord wants me to. But therein lies the problem, if I have a lot of choices, or in this case infinite choices it makes it easy to do nothing since the possibilities are so vast, so pray that god would show me, or that he'd open and close doors as he sees fit, because i really want to leave an impact here on someone, not for my sake, but for His, and i can only do it with His help!

Aside from that I was going for a walk yesterday and when i went outside Kizito and a group of guys were playing football and so i went and grabbed some shorts and played with them. You definitely get made fun of alot being a muzungu, or at least i think i do. I heard the word muzungu every five seconds, and haha i probably think i'm funnier than you guys will, someone on the other team was trying to trick me by saying muzungu to get me to pass it to them, so i said, "omusajja omuweru" which is another way to say white man, and i thought it was hilarious, and so did the whole group of guys.

Also I asked mark to take some pictures of the match and i think the lighting was bad so he took a few videos instead, and for whatever reason i played horribly yesterday and he managed to get a video of every time i screwed up (thanks Mark!), so you guys back home can look forward to seeing those and laughing at me if i get the time together to make a slideshow or something.

So i've definitely realized how isolated we are in this building and it's kind of sad, I can wake up walk to work, work all day, eat dinner, then walk home and go to sleep, And it's lame! I've realized how much i need to get outside these walls every day, so hopefuly i'll be making a point to do so for the rest of the summer.

The office has been relatively quiet lately with people coming and going. Steve, Alan and Erica went to sarotye over the weekend and got back monday night and James and Josh left for Sudan this Monday and won't be back till Friday.

Today at the office will be a day of prayer, and a needed break from reading textbooks! So lots of singing songs and praying and talking and goodness, O He is good!

Check out Isaiah 35 or Ezekiel 47, good chapters about what we have to look forward to!

Here's what I got to wake up to this morning:


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