today was so good
I finally found a church that I love, that speaks to everything I want in a church and i'm sure more. The only reason we even went to it is because we knew the pastor because we took a trip to an orphanage that is owned by the church that past eMi people designed so we could get a look at the end result. And a girl named Jessica who is leaving the country whom we met two days ago wanted to go see it since her church back home will be visiting in and helping there in July, and she's been coresponding via email with the pastor.
So anyways, we attended the service so we could talk to the pastor, and my goodness it was amazing!! Dancing, Shouting, Clapping, Jumping, Praising the king!!! The peopel there were so excited and that's what i've been missing from back home in the other churches i've been to. This will definitely be the most charismatic church i've ever attended, and i'm very excited about that and what God will show me. But to start the service sweaty because i'm so excited about God is absoultely amazing and I was fed today in an amazing way!
It's called Ggaba Community Church (pronounced gaba) and is about a 300 shilling (20 cent) taxi ride from my house!
God has been opening my eyes to future possibilities while i've been here like never before. I mean i've been pretty content with not having a clue what is going to happen after my undergrad, which is two school years away, but i'm seeing maybe grad school is a possibility? maybe work force to get experience to come back here with valuable knowledge to do what i'm doing now for a two year commitment, maybe travel america, or the world for that matter, meet people, learn cultures, I dont nkow, i mean i guess this sounds really random but i've felt like my eyes have been opened a bit and i'm just really excited for everything the Lord has in store for my future!
I wish I could sit down with each of you guys and talk to you about all the things swimming in my head, from my complaints about the government, to the hurt, to my complaints about americans in general, to my complaints about christians in general, to the beauty of this place, all the little things i can't remember now but i'll remember later im sure, all over and back again!
We serve an amazing God and i urge you to pursue Him daily in His word, and in prayer, trust me, it will change you, and He's worth the daily devotion, heck He's worth the secondly devotion so i encourage you my friends to give Him every bit of you, every choice, every second.
Don't you love it when you find yourself praying things and have no idea where they came from and you realize that God put that prayer in your mouth/head and that it's exactly what He wanted you to say to Him? This morning i was praying just a quick prayer over breakfast and the day and i found myself saying to Him, "Lord I cannot wait to see what you are going to show me today," and man, he showed me alot. But I feel like that's a great way to start your day, or at least for us to be more child like in our approaches to Him. To approach His plans/wisdom/beauty with a sense of childlike awe, like a baby that just stares at things because they've never seen them before, or they can't remember when they did and they are absolutely enthralled. Four of us were on a taxi today (which by the way had 20 people in it) and there was a baby in a womans lap next to us and she and i just stared at each other for a long time, and I feel like that's a perfect example of when Christ said, "the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
So seek him as children!! Learn to quit being so darn grown up about your approach to him, i feel like that just makes it to religion-ish and less spirituality-ish and too self-righteousness-ish and not enough jesus-ish.
Love you momma, call me anytime, you're gonna have to work hard to use up that 50 dollar card on me!! and for those of you that have not texted me/called me/whatever, I have a cell phone here and you can feel free too!! I mean calling is expensive but i garauntee texting won't be more than twice or three times as much as texting back home, so please do so cuz i'd love it! (just let me know who you are since i dont have your numbers saved)
Andy why haven't you responded to my email yet? i want to know what's going on
Same goes to you Jspence I miss your silly little face
Dad, you can get international phone cards online at rates of like 15 cents a minute and if you'd like to call me you can call me at (this goes for everyone for calling/texting)
PHONE NUMBRO: 011-256-774-067-523
ok goodbye kiddos, talk to you soon!
So anyways, we attended the service so we could talk to the pastor, and my goodness it was amazing!! Dancing, Shouting, Clapping, Jumping, Praising the king!!! The peopel there were so excited and that's what i've been missing from back home in the other churches i've been to. This will definitely be the most charismatic church i've ever attended, and i'm very excited about that and what God will show me. But to start the service sweaty because i'm so excited about God is absoultely amazing and I was fed today in an amazing way!
It's called Ggaba Community Church (pronounced gaba) and is about a 300 shilling (20 cent) taxi ride from my house!
God has been opening my eyes to future possibilities while i've been here like never before. I mean i've been pretty content with not having a clue what is going to happen after my undergrad, which is two school years away, but i'm seeing maybe grad school is a possibility? maybe work force to get experience to come back here with valuable knowledge to do what i'm doing now for a two year commitment, maybe travel america, or the world for that matter, meet people, learn cultures, I dont nkow, i mean i guess this sounds really random but i've felt like my eyes have been opened a bit and i'm just really excited for everything the Lord has in store for my future!
I wish I could sit down with each of you guys and talk to you about all the things swimming in my head, from my complaints about the government, to the hurt, to my complaints about americans in general, to my complaints about christians in general, to the beauty of this place, all the little things i can't remember now but i'll remember later im sure, all over and back again!
We serve an amazing God and i urge you to pursue Him daily in His word, and in prayer, trust me, it will change you, and He's worth the daily devotion, heck He's worth the secondly devotion so i encourage you my friends to give Him every bit of you, every choice, every second.
Don't you love it when you find yourself praying things and have no idea where they came from and you realize that God put that prayer in your mouth/head and that it's exactly what He wanted you to say to Him? This morning i was praying just a quick prayer over breakfast and the day and i found myself saying to Him, "Lord I cannot wait to see what you are going to show me today," and man, he showed me alot. But I feel like that's a great way to start your day, or at least for us to be more child like in our approaches to Him. To approach His plans/wisdom/beauty with a sense of childlike awe, like a baby that just stares at things because they've never seen them before, or they can't remember when they did and they are absolutely enthralled. Four of us were on a taxi today (which by the way had 20 people in it) and there was a baby in a womans lap next to us and she and i just stared at each other for a long time, and I feel like that's a perfect example of when Christ said, "the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
So seek him as children!! Learn to quit being so darn grown up about your approach to him, i feel like that just makes it to religion-ish and less spirituality-ish and too self-righteousness-ish and not enough jesus-ish.
Love you momma, call me anytime, you're gonna have to work hard to use up that 50 dollar card on me!! and for those of you that have not texted me/called me/whatever, I have a cell phone here and you can feel free too!! I mean calling is expensive but i garauntee texting won't be more than twice or three times as much as texting back home, so please do so cuz i'd love it! (just let me know who you are since i dont have your numbers saved)
Andy why haven't you responded to my email yet? i want to know what's going on
Same goes to you Jspence I miss your silly little face
Dad, you can get international phone cards online at rates of like 15 cents a minute and if you'd like to call me you can call me at (this goes for everyone for calling/texting)
PHONE NUMBRO: 011-256-774-067-523
ok goodbye kiddos, talk to you soon!
i guess you liked this post so much that you posted it twice...
and, you know how we were talking [writing] about learning the same things? well...i don't think i've ever felt more like a child than now. it's so sweet approaching Him that way. what a valuable lesson.
thanks for the email(s). they brighten my day in ways you couldn't imagine. like, when my computer tells me i have mail i get giddy anyways. and typically it's a facebook email, which lame as i am, does indeed bring a smile to my face. but when i see 'josh kercho' it's a for real smile. :D
i can't wait for you to do something to make me laugh ridiculously loud so that everyone turns and looks. the other day....i was with my dad at the mavs game, and i said "do you ever get the feeling that everyone is staring at you?"....because i definitely had that feeling at that moment. and he said "yea, you feel like that often?" and i said "well...mostly just when i laugh." it was awesome. mmkay...i guess that'll end the longest blog comment everrrrrr. you're worth it.
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